Running a Diagnostic Report


If you are experiencing difficulties with a Posit product, send us a diagnostics report. This will help us be able to further investigate the problem. We also recommend first upgrading to the latest version of the Posit product you are using, to ensure that you are taking advantage of the most recent features and bug fixes.

Note that you should attach the appropriate diagnostic report to all support tickets you file for Professional products. The diagnostic report for the open-source products can be useful when posting to the RStudio Community.

We also recommend that you check through the diagnostic after it has been generated, and ensure that you have removed or redacted any sensitive information.

To run the diagnostics report, please see the relevant section for your product below.

Posit Workbench (previously RStudio Workbench/Server Pro)

For version 1.2 and later, run the following command on the server and send us the output:

sudo rstudio-server run-diagnostics

Posit Connect (previously RStudio Connect)

If you are on Posit Connect version 1.7.2 and later, run the following command on the server and send us the output:

sudo /opt/rstudio-connect/scripts/ /full/path/to/output/directory

Posit Package Manager (previously RStudio Package Manager)

Run the following command on the server and send us the output:

sudo /opt/rstudio-pm/bin/run-diagnostics

If you unpacked the software in a non-default location, navigate to that directory and use


RStudio Desktop IDE

You can upgrade to the latest version of RStudio here. To run a diagnostics report you can do the following:

From within RStudio:

Help Menu -> Diagnostics -> Write Diagnostics Report

If RStudio is not starting, you can use the following method to run a diagnostics report. Note that you need to also show us the contents of the terminal session that is started.


You can run a diagnostics report by typing the following command into Start -> Run:

"C:\Program Files\RStudio\rstudio.exe" --run-diagnostics

The diagnostics report will be placed in your user Documents folder under a folder called rstudio-diagnostics (e.g. C:\Users\Username\Documents\rstudio-diagnostics\diagnostics-report.txt)

Note If you installed RStudio to a different location than C:\Program Files make sure to specify this location in the command.

Mac OS X:

You can run a diagnostics report by typing the following command at the Terminal:

/Applications/ --run-diagnostics

The diagnostics report will be placed in your user home directory (e.g. ~/rstudio-diagnostics/diagnostics-report.txt).


You can run a diagnostics report by typing the following command at the Terminal:

rstudio --run-diagnostics

The diagnostics report will be placed in your user home directory (e.g. ~/rstudio-diagnostics/diagnostics-report.txt).

See also: Troubleshooting Guide: Using RStudio

Shiny Server Pro

There is no script to generate a diagnostic file for Shiny Server Pro, but if you provide the following information, it will greatly aid our investigation of your issue.

  • General description
  • Error messages
  • Attempted steps taken to fix
  • Linux distribution and version
  • Host environment: hardware, local VM, hosted VM (e.g., AWS EC2 instance)
  • Version of Shiny Server Pro (run this command: shiny-server --version)
  • Your /etc/shiny-server/shiny-server.conf file
  • Your server log file: /var/log/shiny-server.log
  • System log file
  • Check that permissions have been correctly set as described here: 

If the issue is specific to applications:

  • Versions of Shiny package and other related packages
  • Application log file (you may need to set preserve_logs true; in your shiny-server.conf file):
  • Application code (or a minimal code that reproduces the issue)
  • A HAR file of the network activity that happens when the problem occurs. This article describes how to open a Javascript console and generate the HAR file from the browser, if you're not familiar with the tool:

