If Posit Workbench will not start after installation, please reference the following. If you are a pro-customer, you may also choose to contact professional support. When creating a support ticket make sure to include system information and a general description
1. Verify the installation
You are able to verify the installation as described in the Admin Guide:
2. Check requirements
Posit requires a previous installation of R version 3.0.1 or higher. If you’re using openSUSE/SLES you also need to install the libgfortran43
$ sudo zypper install libgfortran43
3. Check where R is installed
Posit Workbench automatically scans for versions of R as described in the admin guide:
4. Check building R from source
If you build R from source, ensure that you have the build dependencies required for R and that you configured the build with –enable-R-shlib
5. Check firewall and proxy settings
You can check Firewall and Proxy settings as described in the Admin Guide:
6. Restart the server
After making changes to the server or upgrading the version of R, you will need to restart the server with the following:
$ sudo rstudio-server restart
General guidelines for submitting support tickets/getting additional help
Posit Workbench Pro Customers:
If you require additional help please refer to our Admin Guide for details:
Open-source users:
If you are still unable to start Workbench, open a new discussion and provide any relevant details as noted below:
System information
- Version of Posit
- Output from
in standard R console
Error information
- General description
- Error messages
- Log files (See here)
- Attempted steps taken to fix
- Have you successfully launched Workbench in the past?