Upgrading Shiny Server


Upgrading from Open-Source to Pro

If you currently have Shiny Server Open-Source installed and want to upgrade to the Pro version, the process is very simple. You can do so with no worries about your current settings, configuration or files for Shiny Server.

First, remove the current version of Shiny Server using your package manager:

sudo apt-get remove shiny-server
sudo yum remove shiny-server

Next, download the appropriate package for Shiny Server Pro and install it using your package manager:

sudo gdebi <shiny-server-package.deb>
sudo yum install --nogpgcheck <shiny-server-package.rpm>

Note that your configuration and settings will be unchanged from the open-source version, so you may want to modify it to take into account the increased features and settings of Shiny Server Pro.

You should also note one difference between Shiny Server Pro and Open-Source, specially if you are using load-balancer or similar tools to check the availability of server: Shiny Server Open-Source provides ping as an endpoint to check server availability, whereas Shiny Server Pro provides __health-check__ endpoint for this purpose. The ping endpoint does not work in Shiny Server Pro.

Upgrading to a later version of Shiny Server

If you are upgrading to a later version of Shiny Server Open-source or Pro, you can do so by downloading the newer package and installing it using your package manager:

sudo gdebi <shiny-server-package.deb>
sudo yum install --nogpgcheck <shiny-server-package.rpm>

Your configuration and settings will be unchanged from the previous version, and if you are running Shiny Server Pro, your license status will remain untouched as well.
