Slide Transitions and Navigation


Slide Transitions and Navigation in R Presentations


The default slide transition ("linear") is a simple right-to-left animation. You can specify an alternate transition style using the transition field. For example:

Presentation Title
author: John Doe
date: February 15th, 2013
transition: rotate

Valid values for the transition field include:

  • none
  • linear
  • rotate
  • fade
  • zoom
  • concave

To specify a default transition style for the entire slide deck you include the transition field on the first slide of the deck. You can also set the transition on a slide-by-slide basis by including the transition field on individual slides.

You can also specify the speed of transitions (either globally or on a per-slide basis) using the transition-speed field. Valid values for transition-speed include:

  • default
  • slow
  • fast

Note that slide transitions do not occur when previewing presentations within RStudio Desktop (they do however occur when using RStudio Workbench or RStudio Server via a browser or when viewed in an external browser in standalone mode).

Hierarchy and Navigation

Slide Types and Sections

You can specify a type for a slide which changes it's default appearance. There are four built-in types:

  • section
  • sub-section
  • prompt
  • alert

For example:

New Section
type: section

Prompt Slide
type: prompt

The section and sub-section slide types use distinct background and font colors, have slightly larger heading text, and appear at a differnet indent level within the slide navigation menu.

The prompt and alert slide types have a distinct background color to communicate to viewers that the slide has a different intent.

Incremental Display

You can choose to display content incrementally by adding incremental: true to a slide. For example

My Slide
incremental: true

Headers, paragraphs, blockquotes, code blocks, and list items are all shown incrementally (note however that the first paragraph on any slide is always shown immediately).

Specifying incremental on the title slide sets the default behavior for the entire deck (you can then override this default on a per-slide basis).

Valid values for the `incremental` field are:

  • true — render incrementally
  • false — don't render incrementally (this is the default behavior)

Slide Navigation Menu

By default users can navigate to any slide in the deck using the navigation menu above the slides within the IDE.  For example: 

If you want to limit this you can include the navigation field on the first slide.

My Presentation
navigation: section

Valid values include:

  • none — no slide navigation is possible
  • section — users can navigate to sections only
  • slide — users can navigate to any slide

If you don't include the navigation field then the default will be slides.

Right to Left Navigation

You can specify that your slide deck should be navigated from right to left by setting the rtl field to true. For example:

My Presentation
author: John Doe
rtl: true

Slide Links

You can add hyperlinks to slides using the standard markdown syntax for links:

[linked phrase](

You can also add an id field to a slide which enables you to target it as an internal link. For example:

Slide 1
id: slide1

Slide 2
[Go to slide 1](#/slide1)

Opening Source Files

You can cause a source file to be opened automatically whenever a slide displays by adding the source command to the slide. For example:

My Slide
source: example.R

You can also specify that a specific line of code be highlighted when the source file is opened. For example, to navigate to line 30 of a source file you'd use this sytnax:

source: example.R 30

You can also navigate to the first line that matches a regular expression, for example:

source: example.R /loading data/

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