Troubleshooting Jupyter Notebooks with Posit Workbench


Verifying Posit Workbench with Jupyter Notebooks configuration

Run the following command to test the installation and configuration of Posit Workbench (previously RStudio Workbench/Server Pro) with Jupyter:

sudo rstudio-server stop
sudo rstudio-server verify-installation --verify-user=<USER>
sudo rstudio-server start

Replace <USER> with a valid username of a user that is setup to run Posit Workbench in your installation.

Refer to the Troubleshooting section in the Posit Workbench Administration Guide for more information on using the Launcher verification tool.


Unable to create a new session with Jupyter Notebooks or JupyterLab

Verify that the configuration file in /etc/rstudio/jupyter.conf is configured correctly and that it is pointing to a valid installation of Python and Jupyter Notebooks. For example:



Verify Jupyter Notebooks installation

Verify that you are able to run Jupyter Notebook from your installed Python environment by running a command similar to:

$ /opt/python/3.6.8/bin/jupyter notebook

That points to the location of Jupyter on your system.

If Python and Jupyter are installed correctly, you should see Jupyter Notebook start up and wait for incoming connections to the notebook server.
