Information about Posit Workbench on Azure Marketplace has moved to our admin guides and will be removed from Support articles in the near future. Please see our Posit Docs site for up-to-date information. New location:
For information on configuring Posit Workbench, please see the administration guide. Additional questions are addressed below.
Does Posit Workbench on Azure marketplace come with technical support from Posit?
Yes, but only for Posit Workbench issues specifically. We do not support Linux, Azure, or R itself. If you are having trouble, you can consult the following resources:
- For Linux issues, please consult the Ubuntu documentation.
- For Azure issues, please see their FAQ here.
- For help with R and R packages, please see the resources listed in this support article.
- For Posit Workbench configuration questions, please see the administration guide.
- For help with the IDE, the User Guide and community forum are excellent resources.
You can open a support ticket here. Detailed information about our support program can be found here.