RStudio Workbench on Azure marketplace is an on-demand, commercially-licensed, integrated development environment (IDE). It offers all of the capabilities found in the popular RStudio open-source IDE, plus turnkey convenience, enhanced security, additional development environments, the ability to manage multiple R versions and sessions, and more.
It comes pre-configured with RStudio Workbench 2022.02.0+443, R versions 4.1.2, 4.0.5, 3.6.3, 3.5.3, and 3.4.4 and Python version 3.8.9 already installed. RStudio Workbench is by default configured with system account authentication and depends on an internal SQLite database. Additional, manual configuration is required if you would like to change any of the default settings. Details on configuration options are available in the administration guide.
The instructions below will help you get started.
1. Select RStudio Workbench Standard for Azure from the Azure Marketplace, read the information, and click "Get It Now".
2. Read through the information and click "Create" at the top of the page.
3. Deploy RStudio Server Pro for Azure
- Choose a Virtual machine name for your RStudio Server Pro instance
- Configure your Instance size, Region, etc.
- Set a Username and SSH public key for ssh access.
- Configure any additional options or click "Review + create".
4. Review the configuration and click "Create".
5. When the deployment is complete you’ll see a screen like this. Click on "Go to resource" at the bottom of the page.
6. You’ll see a screen with all the information about the RStudio Workbench instance. Your username for RStudio Workbench will be rstudio-user and the password is the Subscription ID.
7. Visit http://<Public IP address>:8787 and log in with your Username and Password from the previous step.
8. Once logged in, set a new password for this user
- Visit the terminal pane in the RStudio IDE
- At the prompt type passwd
- Enter the current password and the new password twice, hitting the enter key after each entry
9. You are now ready to use RStudio Workbench for Azure marketplace
For additional information on how to administer RStudio Workbench please refer to the Admin Guide. For a list of important features that are available to pro customers, learn more about RStudio Workbench.
If you want to make additional configuration changes, you may do so by accessing the instance via SSH and making updates to the appropriate files as described in the administration guide. Details on connecting to your instance via SSH can be found by selecting your RStudio Server Workbench instance from your available Virtual Machines, then clicking on "Connect" and then "SSH".