User roles in Posit Connect


This article is based on this section of the administrator's guide.

Every Posit Connect user account is configured with a role that controls their default capabilities on the system. Data scientists, analysts, and others working in R will most likely want “publisher” accounts. Other users are likely to need only “viewer” accounts.

The DefaultUserRole property within the Authorization configuration section specifies the role for new accounts and defaults to “publisher”.


RStudio Connect administrator accounts have permissions which allow them to manage the service. This includes setting the role of an account and configuring email settings.


Accounts with a “publisher” role are allowed to deploy content into RStudio Connect. They can also help manage another user’s content when made a “collaborator” of that content.


“Viewer” accounts can be added as a viewer to specific content. They can discover that content through the RStudio Connect dashboard and see its settings. Viewers can also email themselves copies of documents they are permitted to see.


An anonymous visitor to RStudio Connect who is not authenticated with the system can view content that has been marked as viewable by “Everyone”.


Locked Accounts

You can prohibit a user from accessing Posit Connect by “locking” their account. This control is available to administrative users when editing user profile information in the RStudio Connect dashboard.

Locked users are prohibited from signing into Posit Connect, deploying content, and otherwise interacting with the service.

A locked account is not deleted, and deployed content continues to be available. A report configured with scheduling and distribution will continue to execute according to its schedule. A locked user no longer receives scheduled content at their email address.

Content owned by a locked user can be deleted by a collaborator or by an administrative user. Each piece of deployed content must be deleted individually; there is no bulk removal.

A locked user can be subsequently unlocked. All their previously allowed abilities are immediately restored.

For information on Authentication, see this article.
