RStudio Workbench / RStudio Server Pro Log-in and User Authentication Problems


If users are unable to log-in to RStudio Workbench (previously RStudio Server Pro), please reference the following:

What is my username and password?

By default, RStudio Workbench and RStudio Server authenticates users via the Linux standard PAM API. PAM itself is typically configured by default to authenticate against the system user database (/etc/passwd). This means that for most systems, your username/password will be the same as you would use to log into the base Linux server. See here for more on PAM with RStudio Workbench: 

Privileged accounts

RStudio prohibits signing in with a user id below 100. Make sure your user id is above this threshold.

Limitations of PAM authentication

If you are using PAM to authenticate users, note that the open-source version of RStudio Server does not currently implement the PAM Session API. If your PAM configuration requires this, it will not work as expected (for example, if you are using the PAM Session API to mount home directories from an NFS share). You can gain access to these features by upgrading to the Pro version of RStudio Server, now called RStudio Workbench (see here for more information). 

Other Log-in Problems

If users are still unable to log in to RStudio Server Open Source, open a new discussion here and provide any relevant details as noted below:

System information

  • Version of RStudio
  • Output from sessionInfo() in standard R console

Error information

  • General description
  • Error messages
  • Log files (See here)
  • Attempted steps taken to fix
  • Have users successfully logged-in to RStudio Server in the past?

If you are still unable to log in to RStudio Workbench (previously RStudio Server Pro), you can submit a support ticket with the same information listed above.

Return to Troubleshooting Guide: Managing RStudio Workbench
