Getting Started with Posit Workbench for GCP


Please see our Posit Docs site for up-to-date information on our GCP marketplace offerings: 


1. Select Posit Workbench for GCP from the Google Cloud Platform Marketplace console.


2. Deploy Posit Workbench for GCP


3. Save the Site address, Admin user, and temporary Admin password for the next steps


4. Visit the site address and log in with your Username and Password

5. Once logged in, set a new password for this user

  1. Visit the terminal pane in the RStudio IDE
  2. At the prompt type passwd
  3. Enter the current password and the new password twice, hitting the enter key after each entry



6. You are now ready to use Posit Workbench for GCP

For additional information on how to administer Posit Workbench please refer to the Admin Guide


If you want to make additional configuration changes, you may do so by accessing the instance via SSH and making updates to the appropriate files as described in the administration guide.
